Monday, September 27, 2010

3 Cats, 2 Dogs, and 1 baby on the way...

     I may have mentioned this before, but my husband and I have a bit of soft spot for animals.  Lost and abandoned animals tend to find us, and we have a hard time not helping out (and sometimes adopting them).
     About 4 weeks ago, we discovered that a neighborhood stray cat had given birth to two little kittens in our yard.  Unfortunately, one of them was abandoned about 3-4 days after birth and died.  We knew that she still had the other little guy, so we decided to feed her every night to ensure that the other baby would survive so she could continue nursing it until it could be weaned.
     After hearing some mewing in the afternoon, but not being able to find the little kitten, we heard some very loud mewing from our kitchen window last night around 8pm.  My husband went out to investigate and discovered the little wee kitten had been abandoned in our yard.  Not wanting to take another chance that this guy could also die if we didn't take him in, we decided to rescue him.  Of course, with something so small and helpless, it's hard to not want to keep him.  So, we now have a new addition to the family - a little nameless 4 1/2 week old male kitten.
     Here's some pics for your enjoyment.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I am so bad at blogging! Pics of pregnant belly and Sexy Librarian Coffee Cozy...

I apologize for my lack of posting...I am very neglectful of this blog!  :(  In any case, I've spent the last few weeks getting the baby's room ready (pics when all finished  - I promise!), making yoga mat bags and scarves and neckwarmers for the shop, trying to save a baby cat from dying (lost that fight unfortunately) and generally driving myself crazy with all kinds of project ideas I can't possibly get to...
Here's a pic of my latest possibility for goodmarvin.  I had this thought the other day that Sexy Librarian Coffee Cozies might be super cute (with possibly a male counterpart in the form of a Don Draper a la Mad Men style suit)....this one is a prototype - I'm still debating on the lace - I think I want it to float free instead of be sewn in, but then I wonder if that will be annoying when you hold the cup.

And then there's the other project I've been working on...this is me at 32 weeks preggers - from last week.  I'm now 33 weeks...and counting down.

Ta ta for now folks...I will try to be better about posting!
